Thursday, March 3, 2011

She captured my Vision.

Steve, Bridgette, and I got our family photos taken yesterday, and as far as I could tell by her digital camera image window, the woman who took them got it exactly right. EXACTLY. 

I wanted our family photos to be neo-Victorian (when I told the rest of my family this, all they could do was laugh and say, "Well, of course"). Neo-Victorian meaning like these photos below, but modern:

This is obviously a picture from a Romantic Period movie, but still in the 19th century. All you costume girls at BYU who read my blog will be happy I made the distinction :)

The Mates of State album cover is what originally inspired me. They are also one of favorite bands. They can do no wrong.

So the Family and I got all dolled up last night for our big photo shoot. These photos would be the first family photos we've taken since our engagement photos back in 2008. It was definitely time. Bridgette got some great shots! I am SO EXCITED to show all of you the photos we get when they are done next week! But for a sneak peak, check out my fab-o neo-Victorian hairstyle that my friend Clarissa did! I didn't want to take my hair out afterward. I'm tempted to ask her to do my hair everyday.

Sorry my blog has been so non-sewing lately. I have so many jobs right now for Poor Man's Wife, and once I am done with those I'll get back to sewing regularly!